In an effort to revitalize animal welfare initiatives in the European Union, the parliamentary groups of SUMAR, Republican, and Mixed have introduced a Non-Legislative Proposal (PNL) before the Congress of Deputies. This initiative focuses on urging the European Commission to advance three fundamental regulations related to animal welfare that remain pending: conditions in livestock farms, the protection of animals during slaughter, and the labeling of animal products.
Time is of the essence. Recently, the Commissioner for Health and Animal Welfare, Olivér Várhelyi, announced that the animal welfare proposals will not be unveiled until 2026, raising concerns about whether the new regulatory framework will include the entire package announced in the "Farm to Fork" strategy, which is still pending clarification.
The European Citizens’ Initiatives and the latest Eurobarometer results are clear: European citizens want continued progress on animal welfare in accordance with their values
States Jesús del Saz, Institutional Specialist in Fish Welfare.
European citizens have made their commitment to animal welfare clear, as reflected in the latest Eurobarometer survey from 2023, where 91% of respondents consider it essential to ensure adequate breeding conditions for farm animals.
The citizen movement has been strong, with two European Citizens’ Initiatives reaching approximately 3 million signatures to abolish the use of cages in livestock farming and to ban fur trading, demonstrating massive support for legislative change promoting animal welfare.
Efforts are not limited to Spain. In Italy, a similar motion has received support from deputies across various parties, while questions have been raised in Denmark and Poland. Initiatives in France and the Netherlands are also pushing for more ambitious proposals in animal welfare legislation.
The call to action is increasingly urgent. The lack of clarity from Commissioner Várhelyi has led other parliaments to urge their governments to push the Commission to provide clear timelines for the processing of the regulations.
We are at a crucial moment for animal welfare in the European Union. We need firm deadlines and clear timelines; animals cannot wait any longer