We have a common enemy: code 3 on eggs. The number that means the hen has spent her entire life confined in a cage. Many supermarkets promised to stop selling code 3 eggs by 2025. It's 2025 now—have they kept their word?
For years, many supermarkets have used their commitment to phase out caged eggs by 2025 as proof of how much they care about animals and the planet. Spoiler alert: It’s 2025, and we still see that number 3 on their eggs.
We’re tired of supermarkets making empty promises…
We’re tired of greenwashing.
We’re tired of Code 3.
One thing is clear: getting rid of Code 3 is just the first step. Will we one day eliminate the other codes too? Hopefully. But for now, let’s focus on the basics.
We hope you’ve already signed. If not, here are some facts to convince you.
Hens in cages are packed so tightly that each one gets the space of a single A4 sheet of paper. And not a big one—just 21x29.7 cm.
Hens love to explore, peck at grass, soil, and the ground. In cages, they can’t do any of that—just metal bars all around.
Hens roll in the dirt to remove dirt and parasites. Imagine living your whole life without being able to bathe.