Take the plunge for fish

We know. Fish. Who cares.

Today, millions of fish in Spain die agonizing deaths. But hey, they’re just fish, right?

You know what? Suffering is something we can’t stand. Whether it’s fish, pigs, or cats. So we’re going to stop the agony. And now, you can too.


817 people have signed. Help raise 3,000

Another signature? Yes, a very important one

Signing this petition means three things:

1. You stand in solidarity with the most forgotten animals.
2. You do not tolerate suffering.
3. You know that change happens step by step.


Why are we doing all this?

Letting fish slowly die on ice for 40 minutes is pure torture. Period.

Our goal is for companies to start including the stunning of fish before slaughter to eliminate their agony. Yes, it would be better if there were no slaughter at all. But remember: step by step.

This is the path, even if it doesn't seem like it. You'll see.

Here are the facts

By now, we assume you already know that fish are sentient beings, capable of suffering, feeling pain, and much more. But there are some things you probably didn't know:

Spain, a major EU producer

Spain is the second-largest fish producer in the EU (after Greece). Surprised? We're not.

More than 50 million fish

This is the approximate number of fish that suffer greatly and die in Spain every year (remember the issue of ice and how they suffocate in it).

EFSA and WOAH reject ice slaughter

EFSA: European Food Safety Authority. WOAH: World Organization for Animal Health. Both entities are against slow and stressful deaths.

Need even more reasons?

We've left this for the end because it might be sensitive for some, but it's also very necessary information. How does stunning work? Basically, there are technological companies that have already developed systems to reduce suffering during slaughter, using electric methods for effective stunning. By applying this process, the fish become unconscious in less than a second, thus avoiding the 20–40 minutes of agony they currently endure.

We reiterate: step by step.
