Let's put an end to the f***ing cages

We have bad news, good news and even better news:

The bad: There are animals crowded in cages, suffering like you can't even imagine.

The good: It is going to end.

The best: You don't have to worry about anything.
That's what we are here for.
You only have to do one thing, and it will only take you three seconds:


14,600 people have signed. Help raise 20,000

Sign to end the f***ing cages

And here are three good reasons to do it:

1. For the animals
2. To complicate life for a handful of liars
3. Because you don’t like eating crap


It's simple: more signatures , more pressure

The objective? Eliminate the tiny spaces and deplorable conditions in which THOUSANDS of animals live.

Let's empty all the cages in the food system.

Signing is showing companies that we demand minimum standards of decency. We repeat: minimum. Because the cages should have disappeared years ago.

More reasons if you haven't signed yet

At AWO we have already gotten 30 companies to reject cages. We hope you've already added your signature to increase this number but you still haven’t signed, here is some data to convince you once and for all.

300 million animals locked up

Stop for a moment and try to grasp this number. That's a lot of animals living in desperate conditions, and this is what we're going to change.

Spain, the country with the most cages

Indeed, we lead Europe in terms of the number of animals in cages. It's definitely not a distinction to be proud of, but it is a call to action.

Some countries have already achieved it

There are places that have already banned the use of cages in livestock farming. Do you know what this means? That when people come together, they achieve incredible results.


What do supermarkets do with the f***ing cages ?

In the case of laying hens, we have worked hard to ensure that your decisions are as informed as possible. How? By creating a super visual table so that they can no longer fool us. In red are all those brands that have not wanted to commit to PRESUMABLY having the hens stop living with their own feces (among other things) and in green, the supermarkets that have already destroyed the cages.

Compare the companies